Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have not been blogging because the last four days have been mayhem!! SongKran if the Thai new year and is basically a week long water fight. Water fight as in water war... as in I have a black lip and no clean clothes and have not showered in three days and am lovvinnn ittt! I may never come home, you will have to kidnap me and drag me out of here by my hair because Thailand is the coolest place on earth and I never want to leave. The food, the people, the work, the everything. Coming to to America is going to be the culture shock, after living in such simplicity and bliss. I never thought I would feel this comfortable in a foreign country but I could totally see myself living here. So could you all just move here and make things a lot easier and we can all live in peace and harmony together? Maybe I've been listening to a little to much Bob Marley but life is so good right now...I would seriously recommend booking the next flight to Thailand and visiting me:)
I will blog again as soon as I can but I must go hop on the back of a truck and continue this water war that is nowhere close to being over!!!!!


  1. Okay, we're loving that you are lovin' it...and I'm jealous of the simplicity that you are getting to experience on a daily basis. I don't really get the water fighting, but dad looked it up on the internet and it's a big deal and celebration, who knew? Now, on the matter of riding in the back of a pick up truck - I've been meaning to speak to you about this...I saw a photo on FB with like 8 of you crammed in the back of a 'little' truck, and it gave me a stomach ache...that's so not safe! Can you please just sit in the passenger seat for me!? We love you!!! xoxo

  2. Ok i have officially started counting down the days until I am on a plane headed in your direction! You have no idea how badly i wish i could just leave everything and fly there tonight! So glad you are having the time of your life!
