Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just a pimple in my butt of life..

...words of wisdom by my mother, Debbie Mishler. Thanks Mom, I can always count on you to brighten my mood, seriously:) 
     After just enduring the three longest, hardest days OF MY LIFE, I have finally arrived at my destination. I like to call it The Middle Of Nowhere, but most probably know it as the hill villages of Chiang Rai.  I was picked up this morning from the guesthouse in which I have been staying at for the last two nights and taken to the village in which I will be living in for the next 12 weeks (hopefully). The drive here from the city was amazing and I can truly say that I have never seen anything like this before. I am surrounded by hills with exotic plants and trees of all sorts, most of which I never knew existed. After being shown to my dorm room, I was truly overwhelmed by the simplicity of it all.  Bunk beds, 1 inch mattress, pillow, blanket, me. Since the other three female volunteers arrive later in the evening, I had the honor of teaching my self how to use the toilets...enough said....
The village itself is a community of bungalows and other odd shaped small houses. There is a female dorm and a male dorm and the other building house the Japanese and the Thai volunteer/interns. They have their own program that they are run through but we all eat and have morning meetings together. Internet here is okay and I am learning where I will get the best service, so for those of you that skype, pleaassee be patient.  The sounds are undescribable and I feel like I am living in the zoo. Just moments ago, I got up from my bed thinking someone on the porch,  but no, it was a COW! Yes, a cow..Just feet away from the dorm I am staying in is a grass field full of cows, which I would assume we will be eating sometime in the next 12 weeks. I can't wait. I just came face to face with my dinner....
Long story short, I am a long way from home and I am taking it one day at a time. I miss my family and friends dearly, and I miss Jesse entirely too much. I have decided to just take deep breaths when I am having a moment of doubt and just remind myself, this is just a pimple in my butt of life!
More to come..:)

PS I have a photo bucket account which I will be updating often so check it out!! I will post the username in a few minutes when I figure out how to use it. LOVE YOU!


  1. Kara are hilarious! I'm so glad that you can see the humor in your situation. Hang in there girl, we are rooting for you and we love you oh so much! xo, Mom

  2. Hahahaha Boo! I love you!!! You are being so strong and we are so proud of you!!!!!
