Friday, March 18, 2011


You know when you see a really cheap airline ticket, and you think "How did I get this lucky"?? Well, you didn't..You will soon read between the lines and see that you have a THIRTEEN hour layover, which doesn't seem so bad at the time. Right? SO wrong! I have had thirteen hours to dwell on the fact that I will not see a familiar face for over three months. Or that I won't get to eat any of my mother's home cooked meals for five and a half months! The list goes on but the moral of the story is, only fly first class and get the direct flight. Period.


  1. I suggest a good distraction. Start recording pictures, video and sounds of the local enviroment to share here.

  2. ...that comment was posted by uncle troy:)

    keep in mind how excited the villagers are going to be to see you and that you are coming to help them and share your kindness and love.

  3. i know i mentioned this when we skyped earlier but if you take some deep breaths that will help you :) ~p

  4. Has the eagle landed.

    Hope all is well. Give us an update picture of your surroundings.
    We are curious of all things, whatever.

  5. We want more info. This blog needs some color, style and fun.

    Great idea for some video and pictures.
