Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today was what I needed to get me through the next 12 weeks. After waking up around 2 in the morning in a panic surrounded by 3 sleeping girls, I found myself questioning why I was so far from home. Why did I sign up for this? Why am I so lonely? Where the hell am I??? I spent the next 5 or so hours pondering these questions and nearly convinced myself that I would be back in Portland in a week. I was already sick of the geckos and the cows and the dirt and the bugs that sound like 1,000 women screaming all at once. I went to the morning meeting with nearly tears in my eyes and was sure that this would be my last.
Well it won't be..
Shortly after the meeting, myself and the two new volunteers were given an orientation on what exactly our  purpose for being here is. I was very quickly reminded why I decided to do this, and to do it for twelve weeks. I am here to take myself out of my ordinary life and make a difference in a place that so desperately needs it.  Teaching English to children and women will be one of the most gratifying things I have ever done in my life and living in the jungle with wild pigs and killer snakes won't change a thing. In fact, I am kind of getting use to these conditions. Walking around everywhere barefoot, naming the geckos (secretly),  sleeping on cardboard, and waking up to cows trying to come snuggle with me might just be what the doctor ordered. Who knows, maybe I'll come home and get a job at REI and try out for the next Adventure Women! (JOKING)
Anyways, the point of me being here is to serve others and I am just going with the flow of this crazy experience. I officially start teaching tomorrow so I have to start warming up my vocals for all the sing a long songs. Who am I anymore? :)
Until the next!


  1. That's our girl! Can you have someone take a video of you singing....pllleeeeaaazzzzzeee :)

  2. Kara. I AM DYING! I am going to send this blog to everyone I know! I knew things would start to look up. Just remember when you get sad to just take it one day at a time. You are there for so many great reasons!

  3. I hope you don't mind an audience of Stenstroms... Anna sent this to me and I am peeing my pants, you are hilarious! I'm sure feeling homesick isn't so funny, but hopefully this outlet of writing will help make you feel better. You will look back on this experience and be so grateful you did something so selfless and amazing! Keep on writing and I will keep reading.

  4. I am cracking up too! This is so fun to read, and I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU!!! Lol, I am so glad that you're having fun! Keep naming those geckos and give one of those cows a huge hug for me! Lol

  5. I'm glad that things are getting started for you over there for you. Keep smiling. Love you :)
